Kate Mayer's work is deeply rooted in the belief of manifesting positive change through thoughts and intentions. She firmly holds that our surroundings wield a profound impact on our subconscious thoughts, and intentional choices in our environment can lead to transforming perceptions, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Recently, her artistic expression has taken a profound shift, leading her towards creating powerful and energetic abstract works. Working primarily with acrylics and spray paints, she skilfully plays with light, incorporating textural elements like diamond dust and gesso to produce pieces that visibly transform with the shifting sun.

Influenced by the vibrant environment of East London, Mayer embraces street art-inspired colour palettes, infusing neon highlights over softer sprayed base layers, and finishing with pronounced sweeping strokes of acrylic. 

Emotionally sensitive and attuned to aural stimulation, Kate draws significant inspiration from music and conversation, where sounds, words, and melodies evoke a wide range of emotions that energise her work. Each artwork she produces reflects the interplay between these aural elements and her inner world, resonating with the powerful energy they evoke.

Originally from Carlisle, Kate completed her degree in Three Dimensional Design before making London her home in 1997. Over the past 25 years, she has embarked on a diverse journey in the creative industries, establishing successful brands and specialising in prints and surface patterns. Notably, she has led design teams for renowned names like M&S and Warehouse. Her impressive portfolio includes showcasing her work in prestigious retailers such as Selfridges, Galleries Lafayette, and House of Fraser, alongside being featured in various interior magazines and Sunday supplements

Through her art, Kate aspires to inspire mindfulness of the influence our surroundings hold and encourages embracing the potential for personal growth and positive transformation.

“My work is about tuning into a specific energy and capturing that on canvas. I paint very intuitively by connecting to an energy I want to amplify” 

What my collectors say…

How did you know my art was right for you?
”I felt a connection to the painting - when I saw it I felt that I was meant to have it. I rarely spend money on art but had just been given some money and wanted something nice to keep and show for the money I received. I saw your picture and felt excited! Especially when I messaged you and you said yes it was for sale!”

What does it do for you now that you’re living with it?
”It reminds me that there are endless possibilities that I can have, I just need to put them into the vortex/universal energy”

What, if anything, has changed or happened in your life because of this art?
”I feel that my connection to the universal energy/vortex is stronger, it feels like in my everyday life things are happening to support the truth of how the universe works, like synchronicities and people’s dreams and wishes coming true for many people around me who I have shared manifesting techniques with.”

Ellie - Entrepreneur UK


How did you know my art was right for you?
Having seen your art on FB, I knew there was an energy-based match there, as your art was bright, positive and appealing (even though I really didn't "get" abstract art).

What does it do for you now that you’re living with it?
It's a focal point for me, and reminds me what is important.

What, if anything, has changed or happened in your life because of this art?
I'm working with a US coach on developing my niche, and online presence - that wouldn't have happened without the art. I was talking about it in a group on Saturday - just talking about it got the emotion going again....which was great

John - Business coach UK
